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Interview of Leader 



1.Tell me about your favorite speech of Ikeda Sensei and the reason.

Resolve to become better than you were yesterday! Boldly win today! That is the formula for achieving total victory.

These are words written by the founder of the New Human revolution. This sentence was important to me 2 years ago around the same time when we were working hard for the International Students Café and reading this again now reminds me that we are capable of anything, and we will definitely win in the end.


2. Tell me about your determination for Ryukitsu.

When the activities started, I determined, together with the staff in Ryukitsu, to make this Ryukitsu one where people can develop themselves. Also, while supporting everyone and not forgetting to be grateful, I’m determined to understand everyone’s heart.


3. What do you want to say to Ryukitsu members?

I want to thank everyone who is doing their best in their activities and studies. These hard times come to show us how capable we are, and I hope you guys can see that. Let’s do our best until the very end, and forever flourish the friendships made here.


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